The Galano Club, Inc. supports the Greater Atlanta LGBTQ+ and friends' recovery community by providing a safe and welcoming meeting place for 12-Step fellowships.


Give to your group’s 7th tradition basket, one time or reoccurring!

Text group code to 44321, or click link below.

FellowshipGroup Group Text CodeGroup URL Link
AAWe AgnosticsWeAgnDonate
AAYoung & the RestlessYoungDonate
AAMeeting Group730GROUPDonate
ALANONGrowing Up AlanonGrowingupDonate
ALANONNoon Group AlanonNoonAFGDonate
CMAIcebreakers CMAIcebreakersDonate
CODACore CODACorecodaDonate
DAMidtown DAMidtownDADonate
NALambda Group NALambdaDonate
OANoon RecoveryOANoonDonate
OA Wednesday Noon OAOAWEDDonate
OASaturday Morning LiveOASMLDonate
OASunday SpiritualitySun1030Donate
SCAMidtown SCAMidtownSCADonate
SCAWednesday SCAWedscaDonate
SLAAWilling Women's Wednesday MeetingSLAADonate


  • Text the “text code” to 44321 (case not important) or click group link
  • Add amount
  • Chose either Monthly or One time
  • Click Continue
  • Put in payment information – Credit card or check
  • Checks the Anonymous box, if desired
  • Transaction complete, confirmation of transaction sent to your email

E-Basket Help?

Need to update your payment/personal information?

Visit GiveLively to update personal donor & payment profile or text “START” to 44321.

Need to change your group information?

If your group information has changed or you have any group issues, please email

By Clicking or texting, you stipulate that you are a member of this group


Become a Galano Supporting member*


with automatic yearly renewal


with automatic yearly renewal

*Memberships are reoccurring until cancelled by the member.

Why become a Galano Supporting Member?

Play a vital part in continuing to keep the recovery doors open to more than 55 meetings per week!

Members who are in good standing shall be eligible to vote in the conduct of the club’s affairs, get clubhouse WiFi access, a key card for building access and free admission to all Galano social events.

By joining, you give to others what has been so freely given to you. Without members, our organization could not support this clubhouse, which is one of the very few clubhouses in the U.S. designed primarily to serve the LGBTQ community.  Join Today!